Friday, May 8, 2020

Easing into your “Return to Routine”

"I allowed myself to think if I could be doing anything in the world, what would I be doing? And what came to mind is I'd be traveling a little bit, I'd be going to classes, and I'd be going back to school."

                                                                                                                 -Ricky Williams

Returning to school after an extended break can leave you filled with dread and anxiety. The new school year is full of many unknowns and that can feel a little scary at first. You're only going back to school - why does it seem so different? If this question is something you've asked yourself, or if you could use some advice getting back into study mode, these skills will soon beat back your post-lockdown blues and make school a breeze.

  Ø Set goals for yourself

A few days before you go back to school, take a pen and paper and write a list of personal goals that you'd like to accomplish during this academic year. These goals might be social, intellectual, or physical, but by having something to work toward, you can relieve some anxiety about starting up again.

Some goals you might consider:
  Ø Review your homework

 If you didn't have homework assigned over break, take some time to look over the last assignments you did in each class before leaving school. This will remind you of where you left off in class, and looking over homework can prevent you from forgetting to complete it. Take this time also to reflect on the way you've done homework in the past. If you can think of any improvements you might make to your homework routine, returning to school might be the perfect time to make a change.

  Ø List things you can look forward to

There may be a field trip, or maybe your science class has an experiment planned - whatever it might be, chances are you have something to look forward to when you return to school. By making a list of these things, you can replace any fear you have of going back with excitement to return.

  Ø Take your time getting back into the rhythm of things

There's no getting around it, you'll need some time before it feels normal going to school again. Don't be hard on yourself. This process can take a week or two, but coach yourself through your negative thoughts by saying things like: “It’s normal to be a little nervous returning to something after a long break. Everything's going to be alright!"

  Ø Start your day earlier than normal.

On your first day back to school after break, you'll be out of practice doing your normal routine, which will likely add more time than you expect. Try to wake up a little earlier than normal so that you have extra time to make sure you have everything you need to succeed.

  Ø Readjust your sleep schedule, if necessary

 Over the course of your vacation, you might have enjoyed sleeping in or staying up late. This might make it difficult getting back into your school routine. To reset your sleep schedule you should:
  • Return to your routine several days to a week ahead of time.
  • Open blinds/curtains to get natural light in the mornings.
  • Avoid late night meals.
  Ø Pre-pack your bag and choose keep your uniform ready.

It's likely you'll still be adjusting back to your school routine when break is over, and pre-packing school supplies and keeping your uniform ready the night before can save you time and stress. Grogginess in the morning can cause you to take more time than you need to do these simple tasks, so ready your stuff before to make your first morning back as easy as possible. You might benefit from making a back-to-school checklist. Write down all necessary supplies, like books, a calculator, pencils, notebooks, and so on.

  Ø Get a full night's rest the night before school resumes.

Sleep deprivation is terrible for your body, and can result in weight gain, difficulty concentrating, and irritability. Protect your health and make the first day back to school after break easier on yourself by getting the sleep you need, which for most children is between 8½ and 9½ hours, but this might be different for you

  Ø Eat a healthy breakfast.

A lean protein, high fibre breakfast could put you on the fast track to feeling better about your school day. Foods like whole grain toast, eggs, yogurt, and cottage cheese can give you an emotional boost and keep you going throughout the day. Regular healthy breakfasts might also improve your memory, daily energy levels, your sense of calmness, and even your mood

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